Balinese Barong Dance
Kunti Sraya
At The Village Of The GODs ‘’ Kedewatan’’
first act represents the two servants of dewi Kunti who are so sad knowing the fact that their beloved mester (Sahadewa) will be sacrified to the Rangde. A hair rising howling sound is herd, thenfllowed by the appearance of a
frightening witch. Shortly after the witch disappers, they ask the patih (minister) to come.
scoud act tells how Dewi Kunti, as a loving mom, against her will to secfice her beloved son. However the witch appers and bewitches her. Soon after she orders the minister to take sahadewa to the fores and tie
s him on a tree in front of the abode of the rangda.
third scene expresses the sadness of the minister who also loves sahadewa. likewise Dewi Kunti, He is also under spelled by the witches who suddenly appear. immadeately patih takes sahadewa to the forest and ties him on a tree in front of the abode of the rangda.
fourth scene show the god of ciwa, who has pity on sahadewa and gives sahadewa immortality. Rangda comes out on the following scene. Being carried on the shoulders of her followers, she is ready and eager to kill sahadewa. in fact, this comes to failure because of the immortality given by god of Ciwa. Admitting that she cannot kill sahadewa, she asks him for redemption so her soul can go to heaven. sahadewa agreed and redeem her. Her soul goes to the heaven.
On the six acts, performs kalika, a disciple of Rangda. she also wents to be redeemed, however sahadewa refuses and thereensues a fight between sahadewa and kalika. using her magic power, meditates and transforms herself into aboar. This boar is defeated. Out she comes again into Crow (Garuda/Jabali). she fights and loses again and finally she
transforms herself into the powerful of rangda, as Rangda is too powerful for sahadewa. Sahadewa finally meditates and becomes a Barong, but thefight is undecided and the barong leaves the stage to call his followers.
On the final acts, comes with their kris to attack the rangda, hevil
however cannot yet be destroyed. By the spell of Rangda, the kris on the hand of those followers trun against to them, but the magic of the Barong hardened their flesh so that although they push the sharp points of the kris, they are not even hurt.
This can only be performed on a complete trance dance with impunity otherwise a man will wound himself or hurt others. Possessed as they are,they have a super natural power or strength and it takes many men to hold them down to disarm. To take the men out of trance , they are led, one
by one, to where the barong stand and the Pemangku (the templepriest) puts sacrificial offerings on the ground. After finished to recite ‘’ mantras’’ the magic formulas, they then sprinkles holy water to the face of each man and gradually the hysterical men come out of trance, daze,
simplywalking away as if they did not know what han happened to them. The temple priest to sacrifice a black color baby chicken and the blood should be spilled on the ground as a blood sacrifices to please the spirits.